Bluecoat Display Centre Selling Exhibition April 2023
Open call with Bluecoat Display Centre in Liverpool for a new selling exhibition, in April 2023. This is an exclusive open call for ACJ members, and up to 15 jewellers will be selected.
You'll notice that the timeframe to make and design is quicker than we would usually work with. This is to take advantage of the exhibition coinciding with The Eurovision Song Contest being hosted by the City of Liverpool in May 2023. Liverpool is planning a programme of cultural events and we hope that this platform will bring contemporary jewellery to new audiences as well create opportunities to sell work.
Our brief responds to the global contest's themes of music, unity, acceptance, and diversity. We hope that the broad scope of starting points will appeal to everyone.
Submissions can be designs/final pieces or a combination of both. Please read through the brief carefully to see what you need to submit and the deadlines involved at each stage.
The deadline for submissions is 6th February 2023 at midnight.
If you have any questions that are not covered in the brief and application from, please get in touch with Joanne Haywood at