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Equality & Diversity Policy

Equality and diversity policy of the Association for Contemporary Jewellery (ACJ)

ACJ’s mission

To promote the awareness, understanding and development of the full breadth of contemporary jewellery practice in its cultural and economic context. We do this by building a creative community and network that fosters discussion, debate, critical review, interaction, and stimulates public interest and understanding. We achieve this by working in collaboration and in partnership with organisations across the jewellery sector and more widely, with cultural and educational organisations and with business, to offer conferences, lectures, seminars, exhibitions, workshops, special events and publications that stimulate, inform and inspire.

ACJ Membership

We welcome all those with an interest in and passion for contemporary jewellery. Membership is not selected, and our members are makers, designers, curators, collectors, gallerists, educators, students and the jewellery-curious.

We aim to create a safe and welcoming atmosphere for everyone.

ACJ is committed to treating all members equally and with respect, irrespective of their age, ability, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, or mental health situation.

Code of practice

ACJ organises conferences, workshops, talks and events for members.

ACJ will take action to ensure that group activities and events are open and welcoming to all of the membership. We aim to make our meetings and events accessible to people with disabilities, such as wheelchair access, visibility consideration when organising exhibitions, and responding swiftly to specific access requests from new members wherever possible.

Members who feel that they have experienced discrimination can make complaints to the Administrator. If the Administrator is unable to resolve the complaint, it will be referred to the Board of Directors.

Code of Conduct

People will be treated with dignity and respect regardless of race, nationality, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, disability and/or age.

All members of the ACJ are expected to take a person-centred approach to their dealings with other members and the wider public. At all times, feelings and opinions will be valued and respected. Language or humour that people find offensive will not be used, e.g. jokes which refer to protected characteristics, such as race or ability.

No one will be harassed, abused or intimidated on the ground of their  race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, disability or age. Incidents of harassment will dealt with seriously and sensitively.


ACJ contracts a small number of part-time staff (two currently), and has a number of voluntary unpaid posts, including Directors, Chair, Treasurer, Advisors, the Editor of Findings and the Regional Group Representatives (chosen by the Regional Groups).

We review our recruitment and selection procedures to ensure transparency and to address potential disadvantage, either directly or indirectly.

We aim to ensure that no potential or actual staff member or officer receives more or less favourable treatment (including terms and conditions of employment) on the grounds of race, ethnicity, nationality, marital status, gender, sex, sexual orientation, disability or religious belief.

Selection criteria and procedures are prepared and reviewed to ensure that individuals are selected on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities, as best suited to the opportunity being recruited.

It is the duty of all staff and officers to accept their personal responsibility for the practical application of the policy, but at the same time the ACJ acknowledges that specific corporate responsibilities fall upon the organisation in respect of its recruitment and general administration.

We will not tolerate unfair discrimination or harassment against any members of our staff or serving officers by any other persons appointed to the service of, or members of, ACJ. Any staff member or serving officer who believes that they have been inequitably treated within the scope of this policy may communicate this to the ACJ Administrator who will take up the matter with the ACJ Chair and the Board of Directors.

Dealing with Complaints

The Board of Directors will take complaints of discrimination and harassment very seriously.

They will investigate them thoroughly, and provide opportunities for the person making the complaint to speak in a safe environment about their experience.

If the complaint is against a particular individual, the Board will hear the point of view of both sides.

The Board will decide the action to take based on the principle of ensuring the continued inclusion and safety of any member who has experienced discrimination or harassment.

Any decision to terminate someone’s membership will be made by a majority vote of Directors of the Board.


This policy will be reviewed every 2 years.

The ACJ Equality & Diversity Policy was written in 2008. This revision was adopted in November 2019