Strange times
COVID-19 effects on suppliers & makers
Image: Meng He Hidden Natural Beauty, shown in Connections | Connessioni
ACJ staff are working remotely, as usual. We hope you are all safe & as well as possible.
Since the lockdown is now easing (second week of June), we will not be updating this information further. Many non-essential businesses are allowed to open on 15th June, and the major suppliers and all four Assay Offices are back to almost-normal service.
However, here is the last version of information, updated late May:
Financial help: For the self employed and people in business partnerships, HMRC offer grants, and you can now check if you are eligible. Note you MUST have a Gateway account to claim help; after you create an account, the activation code is confirmed BY POST, so if you normally file your accounts on paper, sort out a Gateway account now. Details on registering here. Further details of the Self Employment Income Support Scheme here
If you're not eligible for this scheme, look at the Bounce Back Loans: interest free for one year, 2.5% interest after that.
The Goldsmiths' Covid-19 Fund is now closed. We will let you know if there is any further chance to apply. The Goldsmiths' Company announced a £1million fund to help jewellers, silversmiths and people working in the trade. On 5 May the last round of applications was closed. Full details for the scheme here
Hallmarking: all Assay Offices are now open, service is not as fast as normal
For more details, see the individualnews pages:
Assay Office London Edinburgh Assay Office Birmingham Assay Office Sheffield Assay Office
Current supplier news: most have resumed service, with some delays in delivery times
Cooksongold has now reopened (from 27 April) for orders via their website & Contact Centre and are currently offering free delivery on orders over £25. Their stores in Birmingham & London remain closed for the time being. Updates on service here.
Jon Black of Black Arts Castings has bought some sheet, wire and other supplies from Cooksongold, and is selling these at Cooksongold prices. See the site
Burhouse are dispatching daily (findings, beads etc).
HS Walsh are dispatching from their Biggin Hill Head Office Monday to Friday. The trade counters in Hatton Garden and Hockley are closed. Free shipping on web orders over £50. Phone orders: 01959 543660
ACJ exhibitions:
The glasshouses call for entries is open, more news here, so do start planning and making your entries! Closing date 17 July.
Unfortunately we have closed the Connections | Connessioni exhibition at The Lighthouse in Glasgow, but we are still hoping to take the exhibition to Italy later this year. Again, we'll update you when dates become clear.
Many of our members have benches and tools at home, but we know that many others do not and cannot be making during the seclusions. We hope you can develop some good designs! The Board are working on some ideas and challenges for you.
See your e-bulletins, ACJ Facebook page and other ACJ social media for the challenges and other news. You can see responses here: what people have been making for the challenges.