College Prize Winners 2024
Launched in 2018, each year our participating schools award one of their students this coveted prize. A few highlights from this year were:
At DJCAD, Matilda Press was selected as the winner, with ACJ Director Dr Karen Westland presenting the prize.
Zhuoying Chu was award the prize at Birmingham School of Jewellery, with ACJ Chair Terry Hunt presenting and ACJ Directors Anastasia Young and Rebecca Skeels judging.
Tommy Wild was the recipient of the prize at Sheffield Hallam University. Receiving the award from ACJ Alumni Director and friend Emma Paragreen.
And we also caught up with many of our College Prize Winners at New Designers. The ACJ team enjoyed meeting the winning graduates and seeing
their work up close!
We are pleased to announce the following prize winners and welcome them as the ACJ's newest members: