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flockOmania 4 The Cass Edition by Zoe Robertson with Natalie Garrett Brown Amy Voris Sellotape Cinema Image by Christian Kipp 20Special performance by BY|WITH|BY plus Zoe Robertson's  flockOmania project

Image: flockOmania 4 The Cass Edition


Zoe Robertson showed images and films of her recent solo exhibitions, with an invitation to experience and interact with a selection of flockOmania objects.

Originally conceived as a solo exhibition created by jewellery artist Zoe Robertson in 2015, flockOmania has grown beyond the original concept evolving into many different forms, as an exhibition, an installation, mobile performance interventions, performance lab workshops.

flockOmania showcases wearable objects designed and created by jewellery artist Zoe Robertsonwhich explore the relationship between jewellery, the body and performance.


BY|WITH|BYNualaClooney Its in the lick of it close up

The conference also featured a tasty performance by BY|WITH|BY, a collaboration between Nuala Clooney and Rachael Colley, which explores taste - there were surprises!

Clooney and Colley created an immersive, interactive, performative presentation of their Ambiguous Implements and work in progress. 

Clooney and Colley presented a range of ambiguous implements for eating, and invited the audience to engage in both the known and more ambiguous ritualistic aspects of a shared meal. The aim being that through these ambiguous artefacts, the audience could rediscover tactile and sensual pleasures, producing at end of the meal an intimate, external and internalized dialogue.


Image: Nuala Clooney - It's in the lick of it