Boris Bally: I.M.A.G.I.N.E. Peace Now
Boris Bally spoke about his I.M.A.G.I.N.E. Peace Now project which features 100 different metalsmiths in a creative call for peace.
I.M.A.G.I.N.E Peace Now is an exhibition of 94 decommissioned guns, received through buyback programs, transformed into art objects and new expressions of peace. Bally and a panel of jurors bring together over 100 craft artists from six countries to make a powerful statement about the gun violence epidemic in America. The objects vary — some are friendly and clever, while others are more confrontational.
The hard bound book “I.M.A.G.I.N.E Peace Now” is available by order priced $60, from
Boris gave an overview of the exhibition, explained why and how he came to organise this touring show, and we saw many images of the varied works. Public reactions have been mixed in the climate of heated debate on gun laws in the USA. However the show provides an impetus for discussion on restricting gun sales.
This was a powerful and emotive session of the conference.
See more images of the work on Facebook: Imagine Peace Now