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Seeding the Cloud

Seeding the CloudSeeding the Cloud project: a hands on, practical session based around a walk where people collected waste plastic.

Two sessions at the 20:20 Visions Conference gave delegates the opportunity to take part in the Seeding the Cloud project.

Devised and created by Roseanne Bartley, Seeding the Cloud is an open source "roving environmental jewellery project devised to activate a creative response to the burgeoning issue of waste plastic within the environment."

Based around a walk, participants collect and ‘seed’ found fragments of discarded plastic for the duration of a thread. The end of the walk sees the completion of a necklace.

As Bartley states:
"The project offers an alternate vision for sustainability and craft. It seeks to enable an intimate public engagement with a larger environmental concern, it proposes a more complex role for jewellery in resolving some of the issues we face in contemporary life."

The project has to date been hosted all over Australia, in New Zealand, Hong Kong and Iran.

For further information please check Roseanne's blog and