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STAIN-LESS - about the show

The ACJ show opened Sheffield's 2013 Galvanize Festival.Chris-boland-rings

Image: Chris Boland rings, stainless steel with flux glass, flux aggregate and fluorite

Photo Jerry Lampson


Following on from the successful Diamond Jubilee exhibition in 2012,  ACJ were invited to stage an exhibition of members' work during Galvanize 2013 by Maria Hanson and Dr. Coilin O'Dubhghaill, both of Sheffield Hallam University.

The Galvanize Festival has been running in Sheffield since 2007, as ‘a month long celebration of the past and present in all things metal’. 

2013 saw the fifth Festival, run by a consortium of organisations concerned with all aspects of Sheffield's historic metalworking trade.


STAIN-LESS, a themed and juried exhibition, is the result of a call to members, with an open brief around criteria which address issues of:: wearability, narrative, quality of design and creativity, and technical skill. Members were not restricted in their choice of materials and the resulting exhibition demonstrates a breadth of innovation, intelligence, wit and inspiration.

Work by 25 makers reflected many facets of the theme, which celebrated 100 years since the invention of stainless steel. A wide variety of styles, techniques and materials are shown - steel is a possible material, not compulsory. We had textile, titanium, aluminium, silver, gold, plastics and found objects too.

The Selection Panel were esteemed jurors Amanda Game, Deidre Figueiredo MBE, Mark Lewis & Jo Garner, chaired by Professor Jack Cunningham.


image: Grace Page Soap for the Soul  packaging, silver, soap, hidden casting of the Spirit of Ecstasy which is revealed when the soap has been used.


acj stain-less nicola turnbull bangle credit jerry lampson low






NicolaTurnbull, Hexagonal Brooch

sterling silver & stainless steel 

photo Jerry Lampson