What we've done well
Our vaults are where we keep articles and events from ACJ's history, archived jewellery & exhibition news, and other items of interest.
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A selection of ACJ Members' exhibitions
This year, like everything else in these strange times, the ACJ members' exhibition is a little different!
The aim of the 2021 Open members' exhibition is to show a picture of the huge range and variety of our members' designs, materials and techniques - a time capsule of contemporary jewellery in the 2020s, a type of directory of jewellers. All members were encouraged to chose their best or favourite piece from the last few years, using any materials, any techniques and in any style, to be included in this exhibition. And what a fantastic response we received, resulting in a real celebration of all the talent in the ACJ!
You can view the pages by clicking the read more buttons, and via the next and previous buttons at the bottom of each member's page. There are also contact details for each of the participants, on their page.
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not for every man’s greed - Ghandi
The most pressing issue of our modern world is that of the climate emergency. With a continually increasing population, diminishing resources and the uncomfortable warming of the planet we call home, we must respond.
This exhibition shows the great range of pieces on this theme, made by ACJ members.
You can view the pages by clicking the read more buttons, and via the next and previous buttons at the bottom of each member's page. There are also links to short videos made by the participants, on their page.
AGC | ACJ touring exhibition showing work from two organisations & 50 international jewellers
Our 20th anniversary touring exhibition.
The 2015 Members' Exhibition theme was Sleight of Hand - smoke and mirrors, deception, magic and mystery.
This toured to the Brewhouse, Burton on Trent, The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh and Plymouth College of Art.
Our latest show ICONS was held at the National Centre for Craft & Design in Sleaford, Lincs May - July 2014
ICONS - jewellery for the famous & infamous, and pieces reflecting cultural and design icons.
ACJ were invited to stage the flagship show of Sheffield's Galvanize Festival.
2012's exhibition theme was Diamond Jubilee - celebratory pieces.
This show toured five venues in England, Wales & Scotland, and was the first external exhibition shown at the new Goldsmiths' Centre in London.
ACJ Bristol organised the first national ACJ exhibition in 2004.
Jewellery Unlimited showed work from over 90 ACJ members for three months at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery.
The print catalogue is available
Themed and general exhibitions organised by our regional groups
ACJ organises a variety of events for members
Information about ACJ conferences:
2017 20:20 Visions
2010 Crossings: papers are available to logged in members
2006 Carry the Can
2000 A Sense of Wonder

ACJ's 2017 conference in Sheffield, 7 - 9 July
Our sixth international contemporary jewellery conference
ACJ's regional groups organise their own events. Any current events will be found on our home page.
An archive of articles about various jewellery events
A selection of articles on members' activities
The most current award can be found on our home page.
Articles from our series spotlighting members' work
ACJ published updates for members on industry changes and supplier news.
We also held a weekly making challenge, which had wonderful responses.